Monday 5 February 2007

What should society do for uncivilized cultures like the Sawi?

This question brings a dilema that really should be decided by the people of the 'uncivilized culture' when they are fully aware of the benefits and consequences. However the people are usually tricked or not given a choice. There are usually two choices: (1) To develop the area or (2) To leave them as they are.
The first choice would allow the area to be industrialized and possibly making benefits of natural resouces. This would bring money into the area to be spread between people. However the natives who are not always aware of the value of what they have often get exploited or tricked into giving up their land and labour.
The second choice would not change their lives very much. It means no benefits and no consequences, although, in the long run the tribe or the area will be so outdated that it will not be able to compete with others.
In my opinion, as our technology is improving and the land on earth is not enough for us it is necessary to develp such areas however I also think that the rights of the people who lived there must not be taken away. They deserve as much as the land owner in other ares would deserve in profit. International laws and demestic country laws should be set up and carefully monitored.

1 comment:

African Globe Trotters. said...

Please do a spell check. I think you are right about industrialization. In this sinful world there are always people who are taken advantage of, through abuse of natural resources. Mrs.Mc.