Wednesday 7 February 2007

What concepts in the Sawi culture intregued/reveiled/saddened/angered/surprised you?

The cannibalism of the Sawi saddened, angered, and surprised me. It saddened me because the book was so detailed of the process and the ritual. The fact that a person is betrayed by a friend, brutally murdered and eaten by other humans and in the end not being able to have a proper funeral. It was also sad that they still accepted the inhumane practice. It was also a pity that they can only trust each other by giving up members of their family. As the betrayal and ritual took place my emotion changed around rapidly between sad, angry and surprised.
The betrayal of a friend for another tribe's child angered me very much. I believe this is just unacceptable. I was also angered by the people who give up their child for another man to betray their friends and kill them. I would be extremly angry, disappointed and scared if my trusted friend betrayed, killed and ate me.
I was surprised by the whole eating thing the most as well as the detail about cracking the skull open. It is not what you hear everyday in our society. Majority of the people do practice cannibalism so it seems inhumane to me. I felt sympathy not only for the victim, but the ones who are doing this as well. I felt that if it was possible and not dangerous, I would like to go and educatate them about right and wrong in the world today. Although Don was succesful in teaching them the way to the light, despite I have to religious obligation to do so, I would like to have gone and taught them.

1 comment:

African Globe Trotters. said...

An excellent response. I appreciate your breaking down of emotions into a discussion. Valuable exercise. Mrs.Mc.